When all seems hopeless

He felt that his prayer would not be answered because after praying for nine years, he still had no job. He felt that his situation is hopeless and time is running out, especially that he would turn forty the following year. His patience is thinning, the needs of his family, with only his wife working, seemed too hard to cope up with. But his mother did not lose hope and faith in the Lord. She has full trust in God’s goodness that He would answer prayer in His own time. She told her son to be patient and never lose hope. As the saying goes, “While the sun is still shining, there’s always hope and silver lining behind it.” And the Bible also has this to say, “ Trust the Lord with all your heart, and not rely on your own understanding.’ In February this year, he was jolted from his seat when the company he just applied called him up for an interview. True indeed, God answers prayer, he was accepted for the position that he applied for. Writer Adrian P. Cooper commented, “There are people who feel hopeless in what they perceive as a desperate situation. The situation varies from having a home repossessed or under threat of repossession, without a job or income, and cannot meet the basic living requirement. So, what can you do if you find yourself in this sort of situation? Here’s what you are going to do as Cooper suggests: *First accept the fact that you brought your current situation upon yourself, and thereby must take the full responsibility of your situation. *The saying, “ Change your mind and change your life,” is good to tell yourself. “For as a man thinketh , so he is.” And thoughts are absolutely true. *The best thing you can do is to stop thinking negatively and also to stop allowing any form of negative feelings and emotions. Plain and simple, the more you worry about your situation and fear for the future, the more you will attract more negative thoughts. It should be clear that worrying, fear, anxiety, and other negative thoughts cannot possibly do you any good or resolve your situation in any way. *Once you have done this, you will not only feel lighter and very relieved , as if a great weight has been lifted from your shoulder, you will also for the first time in your life, feel empowered and know beyond doubt that you are the master of your own destiny. *The next step is to disallow all negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You should take time to sit down, think about it and know beyond all doubt, that no negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions can possibly help your situation, but can only make them worse. If a negative thought, feelings and emotions enter your consciousness, immediately say or think as you mean it, “Cancel!”, “Cancel!”, Cancel!”, and keep going saying it until the negative thought, feeling, and emotion has dissipated. * Resolve to only accept positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, particularly those that make you happy and are consistent with your wishes, and therefore raise your vibration and consciousness. *Finally “let go and let God.” If you perceive your situation so hopeless, simply abandon all thoughts and trust our Divine Providence completely. The Divine Providence is always present to provide for your every need whatever it might be. To the great Architect and Creator of the universe, all things are possible and nothing is impossible.